Well, it's almost out! Just two more days!! This is my blog turned book series. The blog was called 'The Blog Blender,' and I had so stinkin' much fun posting several times a week for three years. I wrote so much that I had to break it down into a three-part book series. I guess I had a lot to say during those early blending-of-the-family years. Well, let's be honest, I did have a lot to say because it was something I had never done before. I had also been through a helluva lot. I mean, divorce, trying to raise two kids virtually on my own, moving, meeting the 'Professor,' falling in love with him, remarrying, moving again, and then blending a family. It was a lot to take on, and looking back now, I can't quite believe we pulled it off as we had a lot working against us.
As I read back over my work while editing and trying to figure out what to keep and omit, I found myself recalling all of it. I went through a myriad of emotions that caught me by surprise. I laughed, cried a little, and had to suppress some anger that tried to escape, though I am over most of the anger. Thank God. The thing that amazes me is the number of people who read 'The Blog Blender' every time I posted something. At one time, I had nearly 3000 followers across the globe. This floored me as I'm just me and don't feel like I have that much to add to society. Well, I was wrong. I received more comments in those three years than I would have ever expected. I was so honored that folks would take the time out to read what I was writing. One day, I was reading a blog turned book, and I thought, "Well, hell, I could do this too!" So I did, and I am pleased to present this book to you in a few days. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy reading!!
I am so stinking happy to announce that 'Something Dreamy This Way Comes' is almost ready!! In the next week or two, you will see this book out on Amazon, and I will be advertising it wherever I can. I had so much fun writing it and even more fun re-writing it. I am so horrible with editing, and this book required a lot of it, I'm afraid. I guess we all can't be good at everything.
I was telling one of my friends the other day that I seem to go into a different place in my mind when I write and often can't recall most of the details of the books I have written if you were to ask me outright. It's the weirdest thing, but she said she does the same thing. I know we don't use all of our brainpower, but I'm thankful for the pocket of my brain that I go to for writing. It's very secretive, even a secret to me at times because, as I said, I often forget what I have written. With the relaunch of this book, I have changed the cover. I absolutely love what my book cover designer did. (Rebeccacovers on Fiverr) I pick out a picture, tell her the title, etc., and she does the rest. This cover blew me away, and I'm so proud of it. I will also be doing an Amazon deal where you can get this book for free for a week. If you happen to get it and like it, I'd sure appreciate a 4-5 start review to help move it along. |
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